Holiday in Cameron Highlands
Cameron Highlands - a beautiful hill resort nestled 1,524 metres above sea-level and located in the Main Range of Peninsular Malaysia.It was named after William Cameron,a government surveyor who discovered it in 1885 during a mapping expedition.
This highland comprises of little townships:Ringlet,Tanah Rata,Brincang to name a few.
Around these area,one can indulge in the following attractions:flower nurseries,vegetables and fruit farms,tea plantations,farms and garden.
At Boh Tea Plantation.

At tea house...order tea tak sampai2 lagi...

Strawberry plant.
DiPusat Penyelidikan MARDI.

DiPusat Penyelidikan MARDI.
Strawberry ni tak masak lagi ni...

Jangan bagi Ayu n Kamarul naik..nnt runtuh...hehehe..

My eldest daughter married with two children now.Nur Afza Farzana and Ahmad Afif Afandi.
"Kamarul,hang jaga anak n cucu abah tu elok2.
Semoga anaknda berdua mencapai apa jua yang diimpikan dan semoga hubungan kekal hingga keakhir hayat.
With all my

Rose garden.
DiPusat Penyelidikan MARDI.

With my beloved wife
Percutian bersama keluarga di Cameron Highlands pada 6 Februari 2008.This is the third time for me.Cuaca disini sekarang tak sesejuk beberapa tahun dulu,maybe this is due to penipisan Ozone*(03)layer whereby this affected and causes the global warming.Ozone*(O3) a three-atom allotrope of oxygen.If not for the ozone in the earth's atmosphere,life forms on this planet would be seriously influenced by the ultra-violet radiation that ozone absorbs.
Some of the extracts from The Chemical Safety and Environment Seminar which I attended pada tahun 2000 organised by Jabatan Alam Sekitar diPenang.
Susah untuk kumpulkan kami sekeluarga.Masa cuti tak sama,ada yang p kerja,ada yang p mesyuarat Rukun Tetanga n p Sekolah, Kolej dan U.Ada yang sedang dalam cuti semester.
Pernah kePulau Langkawi dua kali,pertama pergi menaiki feri pada 1975.
Kali kedua pula naik kapal terbang Fokker flight dengan Acting GM(Boss)semasa menghadiri kursus Rubber Compounding Design pada 1993.
Maybe jika ada rezeki lain kali ingin membawa famili for a vacation to Langkawi pula.Insya'Allah.I am going to retire this coming September and I must spend my money wisely and do some planning and budjet for living cost etc.We will go there one day.Insya'Allah.
One thing for sure and which is of paramount important is to spend my money wisely for my children,s future i.e. education.
If you,re planning for a lifetime,educate you children !.
I want them to go as far as they can go.Many years ago I told them at least the minimum qualification they must study and achieve is until SPM before considering to go to work but now the situation has changed.Dunia dah berubah, zaman dah moden.
Today at least the minimum target level of education,they must finish is at Diploma level.
I pray and wish that they can go far.
Reach for the Stars.
As I have told you all many times,you have to target to reach for the star.
If you cannot make it and you can only afford to reach the coconut tree shoots,
it is alright as far as you have tried your level best and done 100 %.
With best wishes to all,