The corporate logo above depicts two Kukris,the infamous battle knife of the Gurkha soldiers commonly used in battle front for self-defense and tactical attacks.

After working for 2 years as Security Supervisor.
I resigned on 20.1.2012.
Going for a better benefit,a greener pasture.A better future.

Last working day at Toray Plastics(M)Sdn.Bhd - 20.1.2012.

Myself,Jayaram Sah and Surya Tamang.

Myself,Jayaram Sah and Narhari Rumba.

Raj Kumar.
My good,obedient assistant.
With my vast experience and knowledge in supervision,management,experience in ICT and English Language.After working very hard day and night stationed at Toray Plastics(M)Sdn.Bhd with Secure Guards Sdn.Bhd for 6 months my hard work pays off.
I have done it again!.
With effective from 1.6.2010 I have been promoted to Security Supervisor.
Alhamdulillah syukur.Thank you Allah.
My new job and responsibility now is to supervise and coordinate/arrange their working place/post,shift and/or replace security guard on leave.
From now onwards I will be working during the day shift only.
Usaha dan kerja keras selama ini akhirnya membuahkan hasil yang berbaloi.
As my self recognition for the hard work and promotion I felt that I deserve to be recognised,so I bought a BlackBerry Smartphone for my use to keep up with the new technology and the New Media.
From now onwards I will be working during the day only.
The majority of the Security guards is Nepalese,with a few Local people only.
If Allah wills it,I will continue to work for a few more years,at least until my 3 childrens who is still studying in the University and College graduated,only than I will really retire.....In fact even the government servant now will only retire after the age of 58 years old or more than that.
"Age is just a number...mind over matter".As the saying continues."If you don't mind,it doesn't matter !,though sometimes your knees remind you of how old you are.
Footnote:In the new budget 2011 tabled by PM Dato Najib,the retirement age of the civil servants has been raised to 60 years old.
"Those who have retired should keep active and show interest in what we are doing as this will slow down the aging process".
And be happy in whatever you do.This will also keep you young".
Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad,Mantan PM.
Not working is bad for your health.
A Stuntsman who goes back to work after an accident has better long-term health prospects than who does not.
So I think I will only retire after the age of 60 years old if Allah wills it.
Photos below.
Inside Guard House TPM 2,Toray Plastics (M) Sdn.Bhd.

ALWAYS alert and focus while doing work. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Infront of Guard House TPM 1,Toray Plastics (M) Sdn.Bhd.

Infront of Guard House TPM 1,Toray Plastics (M) Sdn.Bhd.

Infront of TPM 1 Plant,Toray Plastics (M) Sdn.Bhd.
Infront of TPM 2 - Warehouse,Toray Plastics (M) Sdn.Bhd.
Acara Pemakaian pangkat dan penyerahan tugas dan terima tugas Security Supervisor.
Pemakaian pangkat oleh Pegawai Secureguards,Pesara tentera Kapt.(B) Mad Saad Bin Basiroon.
Hari Jumaat,4hb.Jun,2010.
Kapten : Hari ni hari Jumaat ni encik,berkat ni pakai pangkat hari ni !.
Ya la Kapt.hari jumaat ni,Alhamdulillah.Terima kasih Kapt.!
Tahniah encik !
Terima kasih Kapt.!.Saya akan buat kerja yang terbaik Kapt.!

Koleksi senjata lama Askar Gurkha,Kukri.
Ia adalah sejenis senjata lama/tradisional,Nepal.

Security Guard bangsa Nepal,Bhola Bahadur menunjukkan cara2 mengunakan Kukri.
Ianya adalah sejenis alat/senjata pelbagai guna.Kukri digunakan untuk mempertahankan diri dari musuh,binatang buas,digunakan untuk menyembelih,menebang pokok kecil,dll.
Kukri adalah senjata untuk Survival ketika diperantauan.
My second working place as Security Guard.The job here is more like of a clerical type i.e keying in datas of vehicles(lorry/trailers)going in and out,Delivery Order nos,Materials/Goods they are carrying(sale/purchase)etc and weigh at the Weighbridge.
After weighing and entering all the datas/figures this figures will be saved in the computer and printed for records purposes.
After my official retirement on 30.12.2009 with Harvik Rubber I applied several jobs at the shopping centre and Security firms.
One of it is with security firm i.e Asas Security which I work for a month.
With my background as an Executive,I was offered a job as a Security Officer.
After working for 2 days as a Security Officer I decided to quit since the job is taking so much of my time and I am completely going out of the track ,out of the orbit...It looks like I will miss my Subuh and Maghrib prayers.
My working time is from 7.00 am to around 10.00pm whereby I have to go out and make a visit to at least 10 posts per day within Prai,Bukit Tengah and as far as Simpang Empat Tasek areas.
I then joined as a regular Security guard at Mattel Development and Tooling.
Anyway after 3 weeks I quit the job too,resigned on 23.1.2010.
I applied another job as a Security guard in another security firm,the present one - Secure Guards Malaysia.Secure Guards Sdn.Bhd.adalah sebuah Syarikat kawalan keselamatan yang diestablish oleh bekas Gurkha British Army.
This Security firm was established on 1981 with its Head Office in Kuala Lumpur.
The Security firm which I joined is the northern branch with the Branch office at Tanjung Bungah,Penang.On the first day I was deployed working at TPM 3 post.(Toray Plastics Malaysia).
There are altogether 3 posts at Toray Plastics Malaysia i.e TPM 1,2&3.
The second day I started to work at TPM 2 post.The Guard,s Supervisor offered me the job here which is more like of a clerical type i.e keying in datas of vehicles(lorry/trailers)going in and out,
DO nos,Materials/Goods they are carrying(sale/purchase)etc and weigh at the Weighbridge.
After weighing and entering all the datas/figures this figures will be saved in the computer and printed for records purposes.
From time to time I were mobilised between TPM 1 and TPM 2.
Syukur,Alhamdulillah,I really enjoyed with my new job and working here,really enjoy my working life with my present job better then before.No more stress or headace,
Toray Plastics Malaysia is situated just behind my previous company,Harvik.
The job is very much more like a clerk rather than a Security Guard.
I put it this way,Clerk cum Security Guard.I hope I will still be able to work for at least another 3 or 4 more years,if Allah wills it.
I was given this kind of job since I have the experience with computers network systems at my previous working experience and also experience as an executive which I can apply and replicate in whatever I find it suitable and applicable here.
As what I have been doing at my previous working place,I will also do my best and be the best Security guard at my present working place !.
Work hard,work hard and work hard.I will go the extra mile and make the difference.
InsyaAllah !.