Thursday, May 17, 2012

Niujie Mosque

The magnificent Niujie Mosque is the oldest and the largest mosque in Beijing area, also one of the famous mosques in the world.It is originally built in 996 AD that initiated by an Arabic scholar Nasuruddin. The mosque was named as "Libaisi" by the emperor in 1474. The mosque has a strictly central axel balanced layout covering near 10,000 square meters area and becomes a Chinese featured mosque with classical Arabic mosque and Chinese royal palace flavor. Refurbishments have been implemented for Niujie Mosque under 4 large scale goverment invested projects since new China founded in 1949. Niujie Mosque is reserved as the Key Point of Cultural Heritage & Relic under the State-Level Protection by the State Council since Jan 13, 1988.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Beijing Zoo & 798 Art District

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

When in BSU-Beijing Sport University

Dinner at Kedutaan Besar Malaysia, Beijing, China with Minister of Youth & Sport, Dato' Sri Ahmad Shabery Cheek.

Official visit at BSU by Ministry of Youth & Sport, Dato' Sri Ahmad Shabery Cheek with Ambassador, Datuk Iskandar Sarudin and Director of National Sports Council, Dato’ Zolkples Embong.

KUNGFU TIME....haaiiiiyakkk

Lama Temple & Beihai Park

Kali nie..ayu g Lama Temple & Beihai Park...Kami nk g masjid tertua kt nk make sure suma leh solat..jd kena rancang betui2...sbb tu xg lg...nnt klu ayu dh g..ayu upload pic lg..k..luv u all..miss u all sooooo much..muuuuaaahhhh.....

Night view....